First Snow of the Season

A few more pictures from our days with friends at a hut in the mountains. We had the first snow of the season there and it was interesting for me to see how Matilda handled it as she was experiencing the cold white stuff for the very first time. She kept on saying 'hot' and wasn't so sure what to think about it in the beginning, but after throwing some snow balls and building a snow man with our friends she got friendly with it :)
I loved how calm it was up there and also that it was just an hour away from our apartment in Munich - that thought actually blew me away a few times and just made me realize that its important to get out and about and collect such great experiences a lot more often.
The view from the living room of the hut out to the mountains seemed to be changing so many times during the day. We watched the sun rise in the morning behind the mountains and also the sun, snow and clouds doing their show during the day.
Hope you all had a great start into the new year.